Three Ways to Repurpose Your Content

Blog Title: Three Ways to Repurpose Your Content

How much time do you spend each week creating content? Blog posts, videos, social media posts, emails? 

Creating content is something that can take up so much of our time. In our online business world, there is just so much of it that we have to put out there to be seen and remain visible. 

But it doesn’t have to be a pain and take up all of your time.

There is something that all the pros do called content repurposing. It’s a content strategy that will take your content game to the next level, help you create consistency, and give you back some of your time.

Now, before you go thinking that you’re not at the level for something like this, know that this is something that can and should be started at any level of business. 

Below are three easy ways that you can begin repurposing your already content today. 

What is Content Repurposing?

Content repurposing is when you take a piece of content that you’ve already created and reuse it in a different way. This allows you to expand the reach of your original content and saves you the time and energy of constantly having to create new content.

NOTE: In all of these examples I’m going to be using videos as my primary piece of content, but you can use these strategies with podcasts, presentations, audio recordings, or whatever else you have to repurpose.

How to Repurpose Your Content

Create Blog Posts or Podcasts

Taking your videos, transcribing them, and turning them into blog posts is one of my favorite ways to repurpose content.

You’ll notice that this blog post you’re reading right now is taken from a Facebook Live video that I did.

This means that we are not constantly having to come up with a new blog post AND Live video topic every week, plus all the work that comes with both of those individually. Nope, we can save ourselves the time and energy and work from something that we’ve already created.

I like to have my videos transcribed and then I clean them up into a blog post with the original video. How you format it is up to you, but I would highly recommend getting them transcribed. offers cheap automatic transcriptions that come back in just a few minutes.

So take your videos, turn them into blog posts, and send them out to your list, post them on social, and promote them however else you want. This is one of the easiest ways to repurpose your content and help you save time and stay consistent with your strategy. 

Pull Quotes for Social Media

Turning videos into blog posts is amazing, it’s one of the first things that people talk about with repurposing content. Pulling individual quotes, however, is not.

You can take the same videos we’ve been working with and pull quotes, things you said, and turn them into posts or quote images that you can use in your social feeds, stories, and groups. 

You’ve already said these things, and you already share quotes from other people, why wouldn’t you share your own?

All you have to do is pull a sentence or two, pop it in Canva, and turn it into a quote image. It’s now a new piece of content and you have something way more personal than the typical motivation quote image to post.

And if you have a piece of content that contains a list, like this one, you can take the points that you have and turn those into an informational piece for social media as well. 

Use as an Opt-In to Your Email List

One of the biggest ways that we can build our email lists is through opt-ins or lead magnets, but where do those pieces of content come from? Do they have to be brand new? Or could you repurpose something and turn it into an opt-in?

You absolutely can, and should, turn the content that you’ve already created into an opt-in to your email list.

This is one of the best things that you can do with your content. You don’t have to go out and create something completely from scratch when you’re building an opt-in. You can if you want, but it’s not necessary.

If you have a series of live videos that you did, download the videos and use them to create an opt-in. You don’t have to keep showing up with brand new content all the time. Do yourself a favor and create a sales flow that saves you time and brings people into your business with the content you already have.

Speak soon,

kylie ide

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