Sales Flow Benefits and the Step-by-Step Process to Build Your Own

Blog Title: Sales Flow Benefits and How to Build Your Own

If you’re a spiritual entrepreneur who is feeling like they’ve reached are close to reaching their limit on how much they can take on in their business, sales flows can be revolutionary.

Because they allow you to do business in a way that takes you out of the equation…

I’ve talked before about what sales flows are, but today I want to talk about a few of the big benefits of having one and the step by step process that you can use to create your own to start adding automation and passive income into your business.

Sales Flow Benefits


The first benefit that sales flows have in your business is building a genuine connection with your audience that they (and you) value.

Sales flows are primarily focused on making a connection with people and providing true value to your community. They allow you to really get people to know, like, and trust you, which is, of course, what actually makes people want to buy from you. 

This is different than taking a sales funnel approach which is not worried about being personal and making a connection with the people going through. It also doesn’t last long enough to make a true connection with people, which we need to create life-long relationships.

NOTE: for more info on the differences between sales funnels and sales flows, click here to learn them all.

And focusing on making a connection with your audience is going to help you so much more down the line than going from campaign to campaign. With a sales flow strategy, you actually take the time to prove to people that you know what you’re talking about, that you can help them, that they’re going to see results from you. That’s how you’re going to make the sale now and in the future. 

Playing the Long Game

The second benefit that sales flows have for your business is they allow you to play the long game. And this is incredibly important to our marketing strategies when we remember that it takes an average of 44 days for someone to go from first entering your list to being a paying customer

By focusing solely on one campaign after another you don’t get the time to build and nurture your relationship with your list. And the vast majority of your audience needs to be nurtured before they’re going to make the decision to become a client or customer.

That’s why we focus on the long game. 

When you play the long game, people get to experience a transformation. They get a ton out of their relationship with you and you get to build your know, like, and trust factor that you need for someone to be comfortable making a purchase from you. 

There was a point in time when you could put a $49 tripwire after your opt-in page and it would sell no matter what. That time has passed. The tripwire isn’t dead, but because of the mass overuse and misuse of this strategy, consumers have gotten much more discerning about who they give their money.

You want to make sure that you focus on the long game because you’re going to build so much value with your audience and you’re both going to get so much out of the relationship.


The third biggest benefit of having a sales flow strategy set up for your business is time. Not that it’s going to take up all of your time, but that it’s going to give you back SO MUCH time.

Once you set your sales flow up, besides optimizing and keeping track of your numbers, you don’t have to do anything with it. It is an automated set it and forget it system. It sits there and it brings people into your world and follows them on their journey and transformation through. 

And once you do all of the testing and optimization and get it to the point where it’s always preforming and running amazingly, then you don’t have to touch it at all. You’ll have to keep track of the numbers to make sure it’s still performing, but with all the automations you’ve set up, you are going to get so much more time back. You’re not constantly trying to search for new leads, get people on your list, sending and keeping track of every single email, following up at the right time, and make every single offer by yourself the whole way. 

No, this system does it for you. It does it all for you.

Sales Flow Benefits

How to Build Your Own Sales Flow

Now that we’ve gone over a few of the benefits of creating a sales flow system for your business, let’s talk about how you can build this type of system for yourself. 

There are five main steps to creating your own sales flow:

Step 1: List it Out

The very first thing that you have to do when you begin a new sales flow is getting to know what you’re working with. 

First list out all of the opt-ins that you have available. Your opt-in list should have everything that you can give away for free. Any PDFs, audios, videos, any guides that you’ve created, blog posts, Facebook live videos, great social media posts, the list goes on! We give away so much content for free that we rarely think about the things we’ve already created and can easily use, so we want to go through and actually list all of this out so you know what you’re working with. 

Then, once you’ve done the opt-ins you want to do the exact same thing with your products. What courses do you have? Group programs? How can people work with you one-on-one? These should all be included in your list. 

Step 2: Map it Out

Now that you’ve listed everything out and you know what you’re working with it’s time to map it all out.

You can do this with pen and paper if you want or there are a ton of systems online that you can use to visually map (my favorite is Funnelytics), but you want to start by defining your one (or possibly two, but no more than that) entry points.

From that entry point, you want to start mapping out the emails that they need for that opt-in. Then we can think about where we want to send them next. Where do you want to lead them from the opt-in? Maybe it’s a call with you, maybe it’s a low priced offer, maybe it’s another freebie. Think about how you yourself would like to be lead through this journey and transformation.

You can see now why listing everything out is so important!

Remember, we want to connect with people, give real value, and facilitate an amazing transformation, so be sure to include value sequences and think about where someone would be in their journey during a specific stage. This is what’s really important with your mapping. Creating a journey that leads to a life-changing transformation. 

And don’t forget to include everyone. Any time that someone can make a yes or no decision, for example; yes, I want to purchase this or no, I don’t, you need to have both of those paths built out. This where your map is going to start to turn into a web and the people going through it are able to get a very personal experience that brings the transformation they actually need.

Step 3: Build it Out

Then our third step in the process is to start building. So that includes creating the pages, writing the emails, setting up the automations, and the sequences. This is where you really get into the meat of making it happen so you can put it out into the world.

My biggest piece of advice when it comes to building is to focus on one step at a time. We want to make sure that we get that portion of the sales flow converting before we move on to the next because you might find that your plan needs a little adjusting along the way. 

And that’s perfectly okay! This is a very natural part of building out your sales flow, but also why we want to make sure to work in steps and not get overloaded by building the entire thing right away.

Step 4: Promote

Now that we have built out our sales flow, or the current step of our sales flow that we’re working on, our next step is to promote it and put it out into the world. 

There are so many different ways you can promote something new in your business, so make sure that you have fun and get creative, but here are a few main avenues you can use:

  1. Add it to your website
  2. Your email list
  3. Social media posts
  4. Live promotion
  5. Have fun in your stories
  6. Running ads

I don’t personally run ads, but I do use them! If you’re in need of a wonderful ads agency, I highly recommend Resonate with Sara. Their team is amazing and know Facebook and Instagram ads inside and out!

Step 5: Optimize

You’ve mapped out your sales flow, you’ve built your pieces, you’ve put it into the world, what more could there be? There’s one more step in this process and it’s a  pro tip. You have got to optimize and split test. 

What is split testing? Split testing is testing one version of a page against another version of a page and seeing which one performs best. You can test so many different things on your pages like copy, images, button colors, testimonials, basically any element on your page can be tested.

And never forget the golden rule. Only split test one thing at a time! If you’re split-testing more than one thing at a time, you are not going to be able to pinpoint what it was that made the difference between the two pages which defeats the whole purpose of split testing. Finding out what is working best so you can keep making improvements to your pages and increasing your conversion rates.

How to build your own sales flow

If you have any questions on this process, don’t worry! Click here to join the Magical Marketing Inner Circle where you get direct access to me and all the answers to your burning questions inside an amazing community of spiritual women just like yourself.

Speak soon,

kylie ide

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