Three Ways to Improve Communication with Your Audience

Blog Title - Three Ways to Improve Communication with Your Audience

Have you ever felt like your audience is seeing you, but they’re not hearing you?

Like you’re behind a window and lots of people keep walking by, glancing at you and moving on even though you’re doing everything you can to communicate with them?

You can scream and scream as much as you want, but they just can’t hear you through the glass.

Today we’re going to take a sledgehammer to that glass and learn how to talk to your audience in a way that makes them pay attention.

Here are three simple ways to improve your communication with your audience TODAY.

Use your natural voice

First things first, you want to look at how you’re talking to these people. 

Are you trying to sound super professional and make sure that you reach everyone and don’t rock the boat so everyone will love you?

Or are you talking like a real human being?

Are you talking how you talk to your friends? Are you talking like you’re having an actual conversation with someone? 

This is what people are going to respond to. 

Go over your last few social posts and emails and read it as if you were talking to a friend. Does it make sense? Does it sound like something your friends would say or something you would say to a friend? 

If not, let’s try and mix up the communication here. Try talking in a more friendly and personal way instead of worrying about being professional. People don’t like to be talked to by a robot. That’s why brands spend so much time trying to build their brand personality. Because people connect with people, not robots.

When you have a real conversation through your content, people are going to start to listen a lot better than if you’re just trying to be professional and please everyone.

Add another channel of communication

The second thing to review when you want to improve your communication with your audience is where you are talking to them.

Generally speaking, we use two basic channels of communication in our businesses. Email and social media. The thing about these channels though is that they are very crowded. 

Don’t get me wrong, social media and email are essential to your business, they’re amazing and I’m not telling you to stop using them at all, but there could be other places online you might be able to communicate more effectively.

Where is your audience hanging out online? How would you want to be communicated with?

You have to talk to people where they’re actually hanging out and where there is more real estate for you to be seen, so if you can add another more unique channel of communication, you have a much better chance of them actually opening it and listening to you. 

You could add a text line, a Voxer or Telegram channel, start a ManyChat account so you can talk with people directly through Facebook Messenger…

There are so many different ways you can communicate with your audience, you just have to pick the one that make the most sense for you and your audience.

NOTE: if you’re interested in learning more about ManyChat, click here to watch my full walkthrough.

Ask what your audience wants to talk about

Finally, if you want to improve communication with your audience and really get people to start listening to you is to TEST and ASK what people want to hear about.

You could be putting out all the amazing content in the world, but it might not be something that your audience is interested in. You’ve got to talk with them about what they want to hear about, and if you don’t really know your audience that well, it’s time to start testing and it’s time to finally ask.

You can test all sorts of things with your content like different types of images on social, different ways of writing your content, posting to your stories, you can test subject lines and your emails… 

There’s all sorts of different things that you can test when it comes to your content, but you can also just straight up ask what people want. Survey your audience and see what they’re interested in or what they want to learn about.

You’ll get a ton of useful information that you can use to create stellar content and your audience will feel like you actually care about them and their lives, which helps deepen their connection with you and builds your know, like, and trust factor.

Three Ways to Improve Communication with Your Audience

Speak soon,

kylie ide

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