Welcome to Kylie Ide

Magical Marketing for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

What is Magical Marketing?

Magical Marketing is the practice of integrating your own personal magic into your marketing goals, planning, and execution.

In short – it’s about adding intention to your sales system.

It’s taking your brand of magic and mixing it into your marketing strategies.

It’s making sure that your strategy feels good to you – and it’s not something you’re doing because some expert told you you have to do it to be successful.

It’s aligning your goals with your clients’ goals so that you both benefit from your relationship.

It’s creating a system that does the selling for you.

Magical Marketing is marketing for spiritual entrepreneurs like yourself who want to make a difference in the world and are sick and tired of pushy, lazy, fear-based tactics.

What We Do


Whether you have a marketing strategy that is sort of working  for you or you’re completely lost and don’t know where to start, we do.

We create, manage, and adjust your entire marketing strategy so you know you have a solid plan that you can be confident aligns with your goals.


It doesn’t matter how incredible your marketing plan is if you don’t have the skills or knowledge to bring it into existence. So, let’s learn how.

With years of experience with countless marketing systems, platforms, and integrations, we’re focused on teaching and making it as simple as possible.


It’s not enough to have a good marketing strategy for your business. You have to take it further and test and optimize to get spell-binding results.

This is the secret the pros keep from you, but we’re not about keeping secrets. It’s time to learn how to optimize to exceed your goals.

Who We Serve

About kylie ide

The Circle is Waiting for You!

The totally free Magical Marketing Inner Circle is a place for spiritual entrepreneurs who are ready to build their business with aligned strategy and a touch of magic.

Join us for weekly live training sessions, monthly webinars, witchy wisdom, and a ton of fun with a community of women on a mission…just like you.