What to do When Your Marketing is Overwhelming You

Blog Title - What to do when your marketing is overwhelming you

One of the biggest things I hear when people start talking to me is, “Oh my God, I’m just so overwhelmed. I don’t know what the hell I should be doing with my marketing right now.” 

If you’re currently feeling this way, the first thing I want you to remember is that this is normal.

We all get overwhelmed by our marketing at some point in time, but what we need to remember is to not get stuck there.

Because when you get so stuck in your overwhelm you stop functioning. You can’t get anything done, you can’t create, you can’t move forward. You just freeze.

But the second thing to remember is that you can get OUT of overwhelm and start moving forward again.

And that’s what I want to talk about today, four simple steps to get yourself unstuck and over the overwhelm.


Like I said before, falling into overwhelm is super common. It happens to everyone and it’s completely fine. But since we know that it’s eventually going to happen, we have to know how to get ourselves OUT of overwhelm and back into action. 

These tips are super easy to do and they’re going to completely change how you react when you feel yourself getting stuck.

Step One – Get It Out of Your Head

The first thing I want you to do when you start feeling overwhelmed is to sit down, get clear, and get the fuck out of your head. Break out your journal, do some meditating, and get it all out

What are your fears? What is holding you back? What is frustrating you right now? How does being overwhelmed make you feel? What are you feeling overwhelmed about?

Write it all down and get it out of your head. You’ll be amazed at how much better this simple exercise will make you feel. Then take a step back and examine what you wrote. Sometimes this is all you need to realize, “oh, that’s really not as big of a deal as I was making it in my head,” and get you past your overwhelm.

Step Two – Define Your Goal

Now that we’ve gotten all of our frustrations, fears, and whatever is holding us back out, it’s time to figure out what we actually need and want in this situation. 

What are your goals? What are you really trying to accomplish with this project? 

For example, let’s say that you know you need to re-do your marketing strategy, but it’s such a big project you’re simply frozen. Start big with, what is your end goal? How do you want to work with people?

Do you have a group coaching program or other high-ticket off you want people to join? Or are you trying to get 1:1 clients? Is there a specific product that you want to sell?

Start big. We’re going to do more with this in our next step, but right now we just need to figure out what our goal is.

Step Three – Break it Down

Then our next step is to take that big goal and break it down into smaller steps. This is where most people start getting frustrated again, but that is easy to avoid if we remember the start big mentality.

One of the best ways to do this is to get out some paper and create a goal tree.

Write your big goal on top, and then right below that, write the previous layer of goals below that. What are the next biggest goals that need to be reached before the big goal? And then below each of those goals, what are the goals inside that one? And keep it going writing goals under each goal until you’re at the first steps.

What to do when your marketing is overwhelming you

Putting it Together

You have now created the exact plan of what you need to do to reach your goal. We started with our big goal, broke it down into smaller goals, and naturally broke it down into the steps that we need to get it all done. 

And now, that big thing that was making us completely freeze has been shattered into easily manageable pieces with a perfect plan of attack.

What if it doesn’t work?

If you’ve gone through all the steps and you’re still feeling like you’re completely frozen and can’t see any way out, I want you to do one more thing.

Ask for help.

Reach out to your mentor or coach, a supportive facebook group, a business bestie, ME! 😊 and ask for help. Tell them what’s going on and tell them you need help.

And if you feel like you don’t have anyone that you can turn to, send me a message or schedule a call. Contact me on Facebook or Instagram. I am ALWAYS here to support you.

So if you’ve done all the previous steps, you’ve tried to break it down, get it into smaller parts, and you’re still feeling like you’re totally stuck, ask for help. And you’re going to get where you want to go so much faster than if you just struggled along on your own. 

You’ll have a professional on your side, you’ll know it’s getting done right, and you’ll be able to pick their brain on all of the questions that you want answered. 

Is it better to do a 72 hour offer or a week long offer? How many emails should I put in the 72 hour offer or this week long offer? Should I use a tripwire? How should I structure this? 

All of those questions get answered when you just ask for help. 

If you’re currently feeling overwhelmed by your marketing and would like to chat with someone to help you get clear and what you’re doing and what direction you want to go, click here to schedule a free call with me and I’ll answer all your questions.

Speak soon,

kylie ide

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