4 Awesome Facebook Live Updates and What They Mean For You

I don’t need to be telling you that you need to be on Facebook, but I do need to tell you that if you’re not on Facebook Live, you’re missing out. Did you know that people comment on live videos 10x more than they comment on other videos?

Yes, live video is the way of the future, and Facebook just confirmed it.

Here are four important updates that are coming to Facebook live and why you need to pay attention to them:

1. You can now use Facebook Live on your desktop

Rejoice! You no longer HAVE to use Facebook Live on your phone. You can now broadcast from your laptop or desktop! This is super exciting for a few reasons. One, it can be much more convenient for some people to use their computer to shoot a video than their phone. Two, it makes broadcasting live on multiple platforms easier. Generally, you would need as many mobile devices as you want live streams, but not everyone has multiple devices they can use. This way you could broadcast a Facebook Live on your desktop while using your phone to broadcast to Instagram or Periscope at the same time.

This also has some serious future implications. Maybe we’ll be seeing Live with the ability to screen share soon…

2. Contributors on your page can broadcast to Facebook Live

Before, only admins had the right to use Facebook Live on a page. But now, contributors also have that power. This change is awesome because it opens the content door wide open. If you’re a news outlet or have people on your team who at the front of your business, they can now go live and share with the community. One other thing this change is good for is events. If you are at an event and want to have multiple different angles of the event being streamed live, you can now do this without having to give everyone the power of an admin.

3. You can now pin comments on a live stream

Like I said before, people comment on live videos 10x more than they comment on non-live videos. Your live videos can just be a stream of comments coming in while you’re broadcasting, so it makes finding a specific comment difficult. Being able to pin a comment makes sure that everyone on the live stream will see it. This is especially important if you’re sharing a link, maybe to go purchase a product or go to your website. Now, your CTA won’t get lost!

4. Video Insights are coming to your Personal Facebook profile!

This has never been available before. You will now be able to see insights for the Live videos that you do on your PERSONAL profile! Many people use their personal profiles to go live and share information and drive business, but you were never able to see how they really did. Well, now you can! Knowing your analytics is so important to your business and this will allow you to focus and target your market even better.

Have you been using Facebook Live? What to you think of these updates? Let me know in the comments below!


Kylie Ide



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